Thematic websites

Last update: 6 December 2023

Several websites increase the visibility of the unit's various activities and research areas.

Médiathèque sur ''l'élevage et l'agroécologie"

Logo médiathèque

Une sélection des ressources documentaires montrant comment l'élevage contribue à la transition agroécologique, et comment en retour l’agroécologie impacte positivement l'élevage dans les régions méditerranéennes et tropicales.

Le site web


INRA, now called INRAE, created in 2016 a network of researchers from several organizations interested in the processes of coadaptation of predators and humans in their territories. Coadaptation refers to the various processes of adaptation of humans, and more particularly of their livestock activities, to predators (wolves, bears, lynx, etc.), but also to those of predators in relation to humans and their activities (livestock, hunting, tourism, forestry, etc.). The primary objective of the network is to facilitate the exchange and synthesis of scientific knowledge, in France and internationally. It also develops a program of multidisciplinary research actions, with contributions from its national and international partners. Priority is given to the investigation of the knowledge, skills and know-how of actors in the field.



The website on pig farming and pork industries in countries of the Global South. It is primarily intended for those involved in the industry, but also for all those interested in tropical pigs.



Dromedaries and camels

This site is dedicated to the biology and breeding of large camelids (camel and dromedary) and the camel industry.

It is primarily intended for actors of these sectors, but also for all those who are interested in dromedaries and their cousins.


Dictionary of Animal Sciences

This work aims to bring together relatively detailed information on animal science that is scattered across many sources in various fields. These scientific fields are diverse. The central theme is animals, especially in hot regions, which are covered in the most detail, but the scope includes all animal-related topics. This new dictionary is needed because there are specialized dictionaries for one or more of these themes, but no comprehensive dictionary. Existing encyclopaedias are not specialized or do not cover the entire animal domain.

The Dictionary of Animal Sciences is neither a simple dictionary nor an encyclopaedia, but a semi-encyclopaedic dictionary that brings together the often scattered words concerning the various sciences that may concern animals and their environment: zootechnics, pathology, parasitology, pharmacy, surgery, food, agropastoralism, biochemistry, physiology, anatomy, reproduction, genetics, zoology, etc.


Last update: 6 December 2023