
Last update: 28 September 2022

Some atlases produced by the unit.

Atlas of Livestock Transitions in Vietnam (1986-2016)

Atlas des transitions de l’élevage au Vietnam : 1986-2015

The Atlas of Livestock Transitions in Vietnam (1986-2016) is the fruit of five years of fieldwork and the analysis of statistical data from the first agriculture census of 1994 up to the 2011 census. With nearly one hundred maps and graphs, the Atlas presents objective facts and data on the gradual industrialization of a sector that remains largely based on smallholder agriculture. The territorial development of livestock production in Vietnam is responding to market demands and regional specializations. Investment in the sector is concentrated around the outskirts of large cities, where a rapidly growing number of modern farms are copying a globalized industrial farm model. However, 'industrial' does not necessarily mean off the land because livestock manure is largely reintegrated into agricultural production. Outside these regions connected to international and urban markets, smallholder farming is being transformed through a gradual decline in the number of producers. High population densities are nonetheless placing limits on the average farm size. Livestock farmers are adopting new technologies and practices to reduce their environmental impacts while enabling intensive production near residential areas. This atlas presents this diversity of transitions that are specific to an emerging sector.

Atlas of Livestock Transitions in Vietnam (1986-2016) Cesaro Jean-Daniel, Duteurtre Guillaume, Nguyen Mai Huong, Coord. 2019.
Hanoï : IPSARD-Cirad, 65 p.
ISBN 978-2-87614-746-1

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Atlas des dynamiques observées dans le bassin de collecte de la Laiterie du Berger

© Cirad

Until recently, livestock farming has remained on the fringes of the industrialization of the dairy sector in West Africa. Large dairies have been established in the capitals, particularly in coastal countries, but without investing extensively in local milk collection and relying mainly on imported milk powder. However, alongside these large companies there are other, often smaller, one that rely on the collection of local milk. The Laiterie du Berger located in Richard-Toll in the north of Senegal is one such company. After ten years of activity, this atlas presents a diagnosis of what could be called a human and economic adventure found in the social business model applied by the Laiterie du Berger and its emblematic Director Bagoré Bathily. The first part presents the geographical and environmental context. The second describes the collection system and its impact on milk productivity and pastoral ecology. Finally, the third part takes a more forward-looking view and leads the reader to reflect on social business. This atlas is the result of a collaboration between the Laiterie du Berger and Research/Development. It benefits from the involvement of 26 authors and co-authors.

Atlas des dynamiques observées dans le bassin de collecte de la Laiterie du Berger. Dakar
Bourgoin Jeremy, Corniaux Christian, Touré Labaly, Cesaro Jean-Daniel.
Cirad, 48 p.
ISBN 978-2-87614-745-4

Système d'information sur le pastoralisme au Sahel (Information system on pastoralism in the Sahel)

Atlas des évolutions des systèmes pastoraux au Sahel, 1970 - 2012

An atlas based on 40 years of monitoring pastoral systems and analysis of their evolution in the Sahel, the result of a collective effort involving CIRAD and its partners in the subregion.

Système d'information sur le pastoralisme au Sahel  
Atlas des évolutions des systèmes pastoraux au Sahel 1970-2012  
Touré I., Ickowicz A., Wane A., Garba I., Gerber P.
FAO - Cirad - Ministère des Affaires étrangères - CILSS 

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Last update: 28 September 2022