Ongoing partnerships

Last update: 5 September 2022

In mainland France, Reunion Island and abroad.

In mainland France, the unit is involved in several long-term partnerships

  • UMT Pastoralism
  • RMT “Spycee”
  • RMT "MAEL”
  • FRES (Frédération de Recherche Environnement et Société)(Corsica)
  • Foncimed network on land tenure

UMT "Pastoralism"

“Resources and transformations of pastoral livestock farms in Mediterranean territories”, a mixed technology unit known as UMT Pasto, is a partnership structure, approved by the French Ministry of Agriculture for a period of five years (2020 to 2024), associating INRAE, Institut de l'Elevage and Institut Agro - Montpellier SupAgro. It was launched in 2014 and renewed in 2019. Its objectives are to: i) produce knowledge and methods to support the maintenance and development of livestock farms, ii) facilitate consultation to promote the coordination of pastoral stakeholders and research and development actions on a national and international scale, and iii) contribute to the training of livestock and environmental management stakeholders.
Co animation Selmet
Contact Supagro and contact Idele

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RMT « Spycee »

Structuring and Producing Innovation in Crop and Livestock Systems - Together

RMT SPICEE considers the depletion of non-renewable resources in a context of climate change and increasing economic hazards. Combining crops and livestock is seen as a lever to support the agroecological transition.

The objectives are to:

  • Characterize the "metabolism" - the flows and actors - of animal and plant sectors and their interactions in a circular economy perspective;
  • Evaluate the properties and performance of systems, according to the level of crop-livestock integration and the diversity of ruminant/monogastric production, to objectify the conditions for expressing their benefits;
  • Co-design new, more virtuous, multi-performing systems, based on the knowledge of the obstacles and incentives to their operations;
  • Produce individual and collective support tools.

Contact Selmet
Co-facilitator of the RMT, with Pierre Mischler (Idele) and Sonia Ramonteu (ACTA).
Co-facilitator de l’axe A (Caractériser et évaluer la plus-value du déploiement d’une économie circulaire entre  filières animales et végétales à l’échelle des  territoires), avec Sonia Ramonteu (ACTA) et Marc Moraine (INRAE)

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CIHEAM Network on pasture and forage crops / Subnetwork on Mediterranean Forage Resources

The Mediterranean Forage Resources sub-network was created in 1980 and is co-sponsored, since 1995, cy the CIHEAM Institute of Zaragoza (IAMZ). The sub-network includes participants from over 15 countries displaying Mediterranean environments. Its objectives are the study and improvement of irrigated or rain-fed forage crop production ; the development and management of rangelands; the evaluations and utilization of the diversity of forage resources in Mediterranean areas. Since 2021, the scientific activities include (1) a yearly newsletter ; (2) webinars (eveyr 2 years) and seminars (every other year) which proceedings are published in Options Méditerranéennes and can be freely accessed on-line.

Contact Selmet and Contact Iamz-Ciheam
Magali Jouven : coordination (1 newsletter per year + 1 webinar or joint seminar with another sub-network, each year, alternatively); an international scientific advisory committee for the sub-network contributes to the newsletters and the webinars; a local organising committee is in charge of the logistic and part of the scientific aspects of the joint seminars, which take place in a variety of Mediterranean countries.

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In Réunion

The unit is involved in several long-term partnerships


Services and impacts of agricultural activities in the tropics

The "Service and Impacts of Agricultural Activities in Tropical Environments” (SIAAM) platform aims to promote agricultural production systems that are productive, efficient, sustainable and adaptable to global changes at the territorial level, in consultation with stakeholders.

Agricultural production systems must respond to new challenges of sustainable development in terms of socio-economics, health, food, environment and land use. In this global context of change, they must adapt to meet the challenge of ecological intensification, increase yields by minimizing the use of inputs while at the same time consolidating Reunion's agricultural development model, which is based on small farms and a specific mode of interprofessional organisation. All actors involved must make decisions and implement innovations to adapt to biophysical or socio-economic dynamics, while assessing the impacts on production, environment, sustainability, economic viability, etc.

Contact Selmet

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One Health Indian Ocean Research and Education Partnership

The ONE HEALTH OI research and teaching platform in partnership is a regional collective comprising more than 20 institutions spread over eight countries in the southwestern Indian Ocean: Reunion & Mayotte (France), Mauritius & Rodrigues, Union of the Comoros, Seychelles, Madagascar, Tanzania, South Africa, and Mozambique.

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The unit is involved in the management and operation of several research and teaching in partnership platforms (dP) supported by CIRAD.


Agro-sylvo-pastoral systems in West Africa (ASAP)

How to co-design innovative, intensive and ecological mixed crop-livestock systems with West African farmers?

Family agro-sylvo-pastoral production systems predominate in West Africa. They are the main lever for development. They also face multiple demographic, economic and climatic changes, and their productivity is not growing fast enough to meet changes in demand. The agriculture transition to be favoured is intensification. However, intensification exposes farmers and the environment to multiple risks and degradation processes. Action research in partnership makes it possible to design more productive and sustainable mixed crop-livestock systems based on the principles of ecological intensification.

Contact Selmet

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Pastoralism and drylands in West Africa

Understanding and acting for the development of pastoral systems and their insertion in national economies.

Despite the widespread crisis in the Sahel, pastoral livestock production remains a major way of life and production system in the drylands of Africa. In this context, its sustainability also depends on its ability to preserve the natural environment and to coexist with other activities. The platform works for sustainable pastoral livestock farming, better integrated into national economies and linked to other production systems in dryland areas

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High altitude production systems and sustainability in Madagascar

How to increase agricultural production in family farms in the Malagasy Highlands while preserving natural resources?

In Madagascar, population growth and low agricultural productivity threaten food security. In highland areas, declining soil fertility, pest attacks and socio-economic constraints limit production. The platform seeks to contribute to optimizing interactions between farm activities and to the sustainability of production systems through research.

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Agroecology in Southeast Asia

A network to produce more while protecting resources.

For several decades, Southeast Asian countries have been following different paths of intensification due to increasing demand for agricultural products. This intensification is leading to a simplification of family farming and the agricultural landscape and is increasing sensitivity to climate change. The vulnerability of agriculture is exacerbated in some agroecological zones where agriculture is predominantly rainfed and where climate change can have a significant influence on productivity and profitability. Agricultural intensification has evolved at a different pace and has had varying ecological and social impacts depending on the history, demographic changes, economic development patterns and agroecological potential of the landscapes of the different countries in the region. With increasing population pressure, growing pressure on natural resources and the effects of climate change becoming ever more apparent, Southeast Asia is at a crossroads in terms of its agricultural development, calling for an agroecological transition.

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dP Amazonie 

Forests, agriculture and territorial development in the Amazon

How can we reconcile environmental conservation and support for rural populations in this region, whose ecological importance is crucial on a global scale and whose agricultural potential is so promising?

The Amazon is more than just a forest. It also is a home to and a source of employment and income for millions of people, and hosts international food and energy industries. Encouraging sustainable forms of development involves more than fighting deforestation. It is a matter of developing environmentally friendly production alternatives with local actors and of organizing key entities in the region around this objective. Such an agrarian transition requires high quality scientific output in close contact with actors and training programmes.

Contact Selmet

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Last update: 5 September 2022